You can’t truly appreciate where you are until you go where you’ve never been. “Someday,” offers no excuse. . If you travel, 2 things will happen for certain. 1. You will appreciate what you have so much more. 2. You will see there is so much more to appreciate. I implore you to take action today !!! Plan a trip that you couldn’t possibly take, right now. Check the flights and accomodations. If you would like, write in the comments what country you would like to visit.


11 thoughts on “TRAVEL, YOU MUST. .

  1. All so very true, Tommy! I’m going on a big trip to break up the long Alaska winter; Rio, Iguazu Falls (both sides – Argentina & Chile), Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Santiago, Patagonia, and then a cruise to Antarctica from Ushuaia! Lots of sacrifices made for this trip. Reading lots of books and riding my bike a lot this summer. Every penny counts when your a travel lover!

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  2. Scotland, Norway, Iceland or back to Tasmania… had way too many ‘pacs., fun in the med (yrs, I would go again) northern Europe in winter sounds nice.

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  3. I’ve been to Germany, Canada, Bermuda, and the Bahamas. I decided long ago I want to see a LOT more of the USA before I go to a foreign country again. So far, it’s been “hit and run road trips” with the kids: everything from Maine to Florida, with the exception of Georgia. I plan to start striking out westward next year. But I still want to drive, not flt, whenever possible. It lets you find places like “Spike’s Pizzeria and Grocery” for dinner!

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